The MVE: Minimum Viable Experiment
Entrepreneurs would find a lot more freedom to explore and grow their ideas if they focussed less on MVP, and more on MVE: the minimum viable experiment.
Good startup ideas: Where do they come from?
No such thing as an epiphany. Good startup ideas come from experience, and they can be made better with more and a diversity of experience.
Strong ego required in entrepreneurship and design
What entrepreneurs and designers need are strong egos. You want to cultivate an ego that is sturdy, flexible, and secure. You need an ego that can withstand criticism, incorporate alternative viewpoints, and recognize what is or is not important to pay attention to. People with strong egos can deal with critics, buck stereotypes, and cope with bumps in the road.
Interview with Greg Buzulencia, CEO and founder of ViaHero
Meet Greg Buzulencia, the CEO and founder of ViaHero.
The difference between PhDs and startups
There is more than one way to push that boundary of human-knowledge. One way, is to take the long, slow hike to the edge and dip a toe over. The other is take a giant leap of assumption. That is what some startups do.